Pool Cover Repair & Maintenance in Spokane, WA

cover repairA faulty or damaged pool cover isn’t protecting anything. If your automatic cover doesn’t close appropriately or your crank cover needs to be adjusted, give Automatic Pool Covers, Inc. a call for pool cover repair.

We service and repair all pool cover brands, administering the repairs and maintenance needed to ensure smooth, safe function. From vanishing-edge covers and beyond in Spokane, Spokane County, Spokane Valley, and Country Homes, WA, our mission is to make sure your pool’s protective covering is reliable and resilient.

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Replacement Vinyl

If your pool cover has ripped, torn, been punctured or has been damaged in any other capacity, look to us to replace the vinyl and restore its integrity. We have a variety of different colored vinyls for pool covers in Spokane, WA. Our talented pool cover experts will make adequate repairs to your vinyl cover without having to replace the entire thing, saving you money and restoring the protective capacity of your cover.


Is your automatic cover opening and closing straight? Our well-trained experts will observe your cover in action and thoroughly inspect all major components to make adjustments that restore its function. By identifying problems and working through them, we catch even the littlest issues that could cause your cover to malfunction in the future.


A well-maintained cover will work fluidly; an under-maintained one may experience all types of problems. Through regular tune-ups, we’ll help you avoid costly repairs and potentially dangerous malfunctions. Look to us for pool cover repair that includes bearing lubrication, tensioning, pump service and more. With factory-level experience, we know what your cover needs to stay functional for the long term.

Does your pool cover system need a tune-up? Repairs to keep it working smoothly for years to come? Whatever it needs, whatever the brand, count on Automatic Pool Covers, Inc. to assist you. Reach out to our knowledgeable staff on automatic pool covers today at 509-466-4242 for service.

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